10 Ways To Improve Efficiency In Your AC

set thermostat low temperature

We'll highlight the 10 top air conditioner maintenance ideas in this blog. As the weather heats and homeowners turn on their air conditioners, these techniques can assist in keeping them in good working order.

  1. The vents in your home can be a source for air conditioning problems. It is important to keep them clean because dirt and dust block ventilation, which will reduce the efficiency of an AC unit's cooling capacity. You may want interior house vent and duct cleaning done from time-to-time as well.
  2. Keep air filters clean. If the unit can't get enough cool air, it will become less efficient. Dirty filters can cause your air conditioner to work harder to cool your home. A decrease in air conditioner efficiency can increase your energy costs. This problem can be solved by cleaning your ac filter regularly. You may be able to do this yourself, depending on the AC unit.
  3. A programmable thermostat can save you money on your utility bills by allowing you to set the temperature according to a schedule. For example, you can set the AC to turn off when you're not home during the day, and turn back on shortly before you arrive. This way, you're not cooling an empty house and wasting energy.
  4. Check your home's HVAC system for leaks. When your air conditioner runs, warm air is removed from your home and replaced with cooler air. The ductwork through which this air exchange takes place can crack or become leaking over time. This can lead to cooler air being lost and warmer air being drawn into the ductwork. These two factors will make it more difficult for your AC to cool your home, which in turn will make it less efficient. Your air conditioner efficiency will be increased by repairing any ductwork cracks or leaks.
  5. Consider upgrading to an energy-efficient air conditioner if your current model is old. Look out for the ENERGY STAR, EnergyGuide labels. Qualified central air conditioning units are approximately 15% more efficient than standard models. On January 1, 2015, new standards were implemented for residential central air conditioners. For more information, see the Efficiency Standards for Central Air Conditioners. You might also consider seeking out modern energy-efficient air conditioners that have a higher SEER than minimum to save even more.
  6. Clear the area around your outdoor condenser units: Leaves, branches and tall grasses can block airflow. Your home cooling costs will increase as your air conditioner has to work harder to cool the air. Your air conditioner will run more efficiently if there is no debris around the outside AC condenser. Make sure there is at least 2 feet of clear space around your unit.
  7. Regular preventative maintenance is one of the best ways to improve your AC system's performance. They will ensure that everything works properly and that there is no efficiency problem. This is also a way to fix small issues before they become larger expensive repairs.
  8. Shade can be used to reduce strain on the outdoor unit and decrease wear and tear. It is important to provide shade, but not block the airflow.
  9. Keep appliances away from the thermostat. Your thermostat's location plays an important role in your air conditioner's efficiency. Your thermostat may not be able to accurately gauge the temperature of your home if it is placed in a hot area, such as near a lamp or window. This is why certified HVAC technicians will not place a thermostat in areas that are exposed to high heat. It's worth it to repair an older thermostat if it is in a poor spot.
  10. Zoning controls are a great way to regulate the temperature of each room in your home. With these, you can divide your home into groups of rooms or individual rooms to achieve customized cooling levels. This will allow you to control the temperature and improve your system's efficiency.

What is the most efficient way to use AC?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the most efficient way to use AC will vary depending on your individual circumstances. However, some general tips to keep in mind include:

  1. Use AC only when necessary. If it's not too hot outside, open the windows and let natural airflow cool your home.
  2. Set the temperature as high as you can while still being comfortable. Every degree you raise the temperature saves you money on your energy bill.
  3. Use fans wisely. Ceiling fans can help circulate cool air, making your AC work less hard. However, using a fan without the AC will actually make the room warmer, so be sure to turn it off when you leave the room.
  4. Close off unused rooms. If you don't need to cool an entire house, don't waste energy doing so. Close the vents in unused rooms to redirect cool air where you need it most.
  5. Regularly maintain your AC unit. A clean AC unit will have to work less hard to cool your home, resulting in increased efficiency and lower energy bills.
  6. Make sure your AC is properly sized for your home and you have the correct type of air conditioner for your needs. If it's too small, it won't be able to cool your home effectively; if it's too big, it will use more energy than necessary.
  7. Keep your AC clean. A dirty AC unit will have to work harder to cool your home, resulting in increased energy use.
  8. Close off unused rooms. If you don't need to cool an entire house, don't waste energy doing so. Close the vents in unused rooms to redirect cool air where you need it most.
  9. Use fans wisely. Ceiling fans can help circulate cool air, making your AC work less hard. However, using a fan without the AC may actually make the room warmer, so be sure to turn it off when you leave the room.
  10. Raise the temperature. Every degree you raise the temperature on your AC saves you money on your energy bill. Try setting it a few degrees higher than you're used to and see if you can still be comfortable.

Effective Ways to Increase Air Conditioner Efficiency

If you're looking for a more efficient way to use AC, we have some tips that may help. These include using your AC only when necessary; setting the temperature as high as possible while still being comfortable; and making sure your unit is properly sized for your home. With these simple steps in mind, you should be able to find a balance between comfort and efficiency without breaking the bank!

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Is It Better To Leave The AC On All Day?
When is a Good Time to Get my AC Serviced?